OQEMA attends in-cosmetics 2025
Join us at in-cosmetics Global 2025, Booth 5E60, and allow our experts to guide you to beauty solutions that not only elevate your formulations but also align with your values.
Our team is in the know of all the latest trends in the cosmetics industry, and work hard to deliver the everchanging solutions needed in the market.
We are happy to answer any questions and discuss how our expertise can help you to achieve your goals.
We focus on trends to support you with the right ingredients in your formulations
Conscious beauty
Conscious beauty combines integrity, safety, and transparency with biotech innovations and upcycled natural ingredients, creating effective, ethical, and sustainable products.
Inner beauty
Inner beauty focuses on mental and physical well-being, with intentional, simple, and customized cosmetics for a holistic beauty experience.
Inner beauty
Inner beauty focuses on mental and physical well-being, with intentional, simple, and customized cosmetics for a holistic beauty experience.
Smart beauty
Formulations that celebrate individuality and creativity, blending innovation and science to empower experimental and educational beauty experiences.
Trend-driven formulations
Micellar³ Soft Cleanse
3-phase micellar water
No Filter Needed
Anti acne face cream
Brow wow Care Oil
Lash & Brow care oil
Find out more about our
off-booth presentations
Sustainability Forum
Sustainability Forum Theatre,
Hall 11, 11C30
Wednesday, 9th Apr
14:00 - 14:30
Kimberly Burch from Elementis presents a holistic approach to reducing the environmental impact of beauty products.
Lab Corner
Formulation Lab 2,
Hall 6, 6C10
Wednesday, 9th Apr
14:30 - 15:30
Create your Own Liposomes: Try our Simple, Robust, and Resource-friendly Formulations
Innovation Zone
LIFTALIZE: Step into the Nature’s Lift Lounge
BLOCKACNE: Advanced Care for Clearer, Healthier Skin
Your solutions for your formulations
Check out some of our valuable partners
David Lupp
Group Director Specialties
Get in touch
Pia van Nahmen
Group Principal Manager
Get in touch
Dr. Isaac Safo
Group Technical Manager
Get in touch
General request with our Personal Care team