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OQEMA is an established distributor in the sector Construction. We have recourse to many years of experience, we are fast, committed and, most of all, we are flexible. Our extensive expertise is the basis for reliable cooperation.
We are proud of our long-term cooperation with many renowned suppliers. These partnerships guarantee high levels of delivery reliability and best product quality. Our service: we act in a price-conscious way, adapting quality and quantity to customer needs and offering the ideal conditions for supply.
We also take our responsibility towards society and the environment highly seriously and ensure maximum safety within legislative regulations. We guarantee uniformly high levels of quality and safety together with our internal and field services, chemists and quality managers.

Product groups

Sodium silicofluoride  
Sodium sulphate  
Sodium silicate  
Sodium carbonate  
Potassium carbonate  
Hydranal® composite  
Potassium hydroxide solution 0.5N  
Sodium hydroxide solution 1N  
Hydrochloric acid 1N  
Sulphuric acid 95-97%  
Rape-seed oil lmethylester  
Titanium dioxide  
Maize starch  
Potato dextrin  
Epoxy resin, thinner, curing agent  
Coloured pigments  
Calcium sulphate  
Fatty acids  
White spirit 145/200  
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)  
Monopropylene glycol (MPG)  
D 60 dearomatised White spirit  
Dibasic ester  
Palatinol N  
Dipropylene glycol (DPG)  

Looking for a specific product?

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Contact us.

Tamara Kessel

Team Leader
Construction & Lubricants

T +49 2161 3563881
M +49 151 44006965
tamara.kessel( at )

Johannes Klütsch

Customer Representative
Environmental Protection

T +49 2161 3563557
johannes.kluetsch( at )