OQEMA Germany
The OQEMA Germany, formerly Overlack, is one of the leading chemical distributors in Germany. Almost over 1,300 employees currently work for OQEMA Group at 45 locations in 21 countries. At the interface between chemicals manufacturers and chemical-processing industries we provide services along the supply chains: ranging from the procurement, product development and individual mixing to logistics and recycling. The Group has specific expertise in the technical and regulatory support of its customers. OQEMA Germany is also the exclusive sales partner of various renowned suppliers.
OQEMA customers across Europe consist of around 18,000 companies from various business areas such as life science, technical and environment applications. The OQEMA Group offers a dynamic and growing range of 15,000 products.
Fachria Popal
Managing Director
fachria.popal( at )oqema.com
Michael Thürmer
Managing Director
michael.thuermer( at )oqema.com
Jürgen Schimanski
Managing Director
juergen.schimanski( at )oqema.com